I was the founder and CEO of a multi-million-dollar company, and a mother of twin boys, when my health crashed. After several years of frequent pain, and never getting a good night's sleep, I was so exhausted and frustrated that I didn't even want to get out of bed in the morning.
For two years, I had every recommended test and procedure, and had taken the drugs I was prescribed. I had gone to every MD specialist that had been suggested to me, and yet my symptoms continued to worsen. Eventually, the western medical doctors told me that there was nothing more they could do to relieve my symptoms. I was in my early 40's, and was unwilling to accept that this was going to be my quality of life for the next 40+ years.
Out of desperation, I started to seek out alternative practitioners. While I got palliative relief from many of them, it was when I started working with a Homeopath that I began to truly heal, and I literally got my life back. Perplexed, I did extensive research to try to understand how it was possible that the many MDs I had consulted with did not know about this form of healing. What I discovered astounded me; so much so that I decided to redirect my professional talents.
After having earned a BA, an MBA, climbed the corporate ladder, and started and led a successful consulting company, I went back to school to train in Homeopathy.
While I had enjoyed my success in the business world, I discovered that I had gotten the most satisfaction in my career while helping people return to health and see them start to live the life they wanted.
I believe I will be doing this until the day I die.... As Confucius once said, "Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life." I have certainly found the job I love.